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Tie a Yellow Ribbon
Tie a Yellow Ribbon
Were you wondering why we have a yellow ribbon as part of our logo? We get that question all the time. Simply put, we are grateful. We are not just owners of a heating and air conditioning company, but we are parents. We can only imagine how it feels for someone’s son or daughter to courageously go off to war.
We recently had a former Marine, now Army infantry soldier at our home who seemed so nonchalant about his service to our country. That was until he started talking about his son and daughter and his “why” of serving…he stated that “he serves so his children would never have to.” How can we as parents, not be eternally grateful to him and others who allow us and our children the choice to pursue our dreams…to feel safe…to live in a free America?
Making a small difference in our community, but a big difference in someone’s life.
Our founder Jeff Coffy served in the U.S. Air Force as a Heating Systems Specialist.
El Paso County, CO
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