Customer Education

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Customer Education

Furnace World

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Furnace World Colorado Springs Reid Family Low Level Carbon Monoxide Detector Alarms
Expo Booth - educating on Carbon Monoxide

Carbon Monoxide – Understanding the Risks

During a furnace cleaning, Furnace World checks for leaks of poisonous carbon monoxide (CO).

A Colorado law requires that sellers of homes and landlords provide well-functioning carbon monoxide alarms near bedrooms if the home has:

  • Fuel-burning heater or appliance
  • Fireplace
  • Attached garage

If you are not selling and if you are not a landlord, this law doesn’t apply to you. Roughly 170 people die in the US each year because of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Understand more about the dangers of carbon monoxide.

This summer one of our technicians may have saved a customer's life because of a leak. We were called out to Mrs. H's home to replace pipes on her boiler. Through troubleshooting, our service technician Nat Bushman found the carbon monoxide level was at 70 ppm, which is deadly!

Please purchase a carbon monoxide detector. For less than $50 you can have peace of mind that you and your loved ones are safe!

What is Carbon Monoxide?
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